Google glass vs Apple's iPhone

This article has been triggered by DXF’s question about Project Glass. I found it an unbelievable innovative project and I dare to compare it to the first iPhone, but at the same time raises many questions such as:

  • What will be the Apple‘s answer to this?.
  • Will be a major thread to iPhone or even lead to its downfall?.
  • Is there an estimation of the release date? What is Apple cooking at their secret laboratory as we speak?

and so on and so on…

All those questions and even more can be speculated as well as the answers rumoured but they are certainly open for debate. But, first things first; what is this “Project glass”?

Check the video Google released:

This project comes from Google X, the secret laboratory of Google. In the images released by Google, we may see that the glasses will use provide the user with all services of Google, as well as many other limitless possibilities. People may “view” all the information they want before their eyes and interact using voice commands.

Of course, the glasses that we see on those images are just a prototype but, according to Google, this design and the real thing will not have many differences. The only sure thing is that, when they arrive, they are expected to sell like crazy (depending, of course, on their price which, I believe, will not be cheap) and will greatly facilitate and change the way we live.

Information is now a “wearable computing device”, in this case directly projected to a person’s eyes. By using voice commands, the demo video shows how future meetings with friends will be made, how a route is mapped out and explored and how a view is shared with friends and family through social media.


a guy wearing his glasses with Project Glass attached to them


Our technology becomes more natural, interacting with our senses and literally crawls under our skin. Our relationship with information will now become symbiotic, as we will not have one without the other; This technological achievement, along with others, is expected to eventually lead us to a major change as human beings.

Is this project going to mark the end of a long and prosperous iPhone era, or is it going to finally reveal a real competitor for Apple and the start of a symbiotic relationship with information and technology? Time will tell, as iPhone Bloggers will be rooting for the latter.

What you think about the google glass project? Is it going to be a thread to iPhone? Comment and share and receive reward points!

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  1. Aggelos 13 years ago

    Why try to project this information on glasses and not implant it on brains?
    ANYWAY…. it’s JUST google!!

  2. Author
    GiKee 12 years ago

    One step at the time my friend Aggelos, one step at the time. for marketing purposes indeed 😉

  3. iPhoneGuru 12 years ago

    Thats real fun.

  4. DXF 12 years ago

    Great article…thanks for writing it. You bring up some thought provoking questions:
    What will be the Apple‘s answer to this?
    – Apple has made a name for itself by innovating and not chasing their competitors. It will be very interesting to see if this is the product that changes that model.
    Will be a major thread to iPhone or even lead to its downfall?
    – It is hard to see an event that brings about the downfall of Apple. Although, I am sure similar statemets were made about RIM 5 years ago as well.
    Is there an estimation of the release date? What is Apple cooking at their secret laboratory as we speak?
    – Building on the last statement, it will be very interesting to see what Tim Cook’s first major new release is as CEO. Can he continue the innovation and success of Steve Jobs? Very intriguing to be sure.

    Thanks again for a thought provoking article.

  5. giorgos 12 years ago

    Very interested infographic mentioning google glass project .

  6. DXF 12 years ago
  7. Author
    GiKee 12 years ago

    Google glass demo from the sky

  8. Joshua Andrew 12 years ago

    Project glasses having the great features, loved its design, its functionality, but don’t you think it will give more stress to your mind, since our mind need to be very alert while using this glasses.

  9. Guest 12 years ago

    Seems cool

  10. Guest 12 years ago


  11. APPLEADDICTION 12 years ago

    In my opinion, both are great!

  12. Awais Baloch 11 years ago

    awesome thing 🙂

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