
Before the advent of Smartphones and high-end mobiles phones who can pretty much do anything these days, people were contented of a simple mobile phone which you can use to call or text someone. The though of accessing the internet through a portable device was deemed as a long shot, but now people are clamoring to get their hands on the latest device, whether be it an Apple Iphone 5 or Samsung Galaxy S3.


Apple Iphone 5 or Samsung Galaxy S3

Design – Popularity – Weight

These phones wouldn’t be complete without the coolest apps such as Google Android, which just released their most amazing version yet, the Android 4.1, popularly known as Jelly Bean. Each device has its own features to boast but the uses are still pretty much similar.

If you think about it in a more sensible manner, both phones are perfect for communication, can access the internet, includes a touch screen feature, takes amazing pictures and videos, and a huge memory to store all your games, apps, and widgets. The question is what is the difference?

The Apple IPhone, in all sense, is pretty much the most popular brand of choice among users. The appearance itself is attractive – elegant, fashionable, stylish, and true to its high-end name because the exterior is made up of metal and glass. It’s sleek and very professional but heavy.

The Samsung Galaxy on the other hand is lighter because it’s made up of mostly plastic except for the metal trim that surrounds the exterior. It’s easy to carry around if you emphasize the portability issues but in appearance it doesn’t measure up to your £500. If you want something sturdier, you have to go for the Apple Iphone.

Design and Popularity winner = iPhone 5 

Weight winner = Galaxy S3

Overall features – Screen size

Application wise, reviews on the best phones for Android in say that the Galaxy is the most appropriate phone for the said app. It has a wide screen perfect for surfing, GPS usage, and games options.

Its 8 megapixel camera is impressive and the zippy dual-core processor makes it a perfect device for multi-tasking and heavy usage. It’s all super light, so you won’t be burdened and feel like you are carrying an extra lump every single time.

When you flip it back however and try to insert or remove the sim, you will be cringing for a few minutes for fear of snapping the sim. The overall design is uninspiring and it feels like some of the features are compromised in order to favor the weight of the product. Apple on the other hand boasts smart switching antennas which you can use to receive and transmit, perfect for doubling the download speed.

Overall features winner = iPhone 5

Screen size winner = Galaxy S3


The screens of both phones differ in a long range and Samsung has the clear advantage. Saying that, Galaxy doesn’t own the clarity that most people look for especially when you are outside and in broad daylight. You wouldn’t see a single thing and look for some place shady. The Apple iPhone on the other hand has a Retina Display which enables you to use it both indoors and outdoor light environments.

Display winner = iPhone 5

Battery – CPU

The processor of the iPhone possesses dual core capabilities much like the Galaxy, but the improved talk time hours of the iPhone makes it a better choice if you want a fast Smartphone that you can use for extended hours of the day.

Battery winner = iPhone 5

CPU winner = Galaxy S3

If you ask me, the Apple iPhone 5 is a smarter option.


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  1. Author
    Giorgos 13 years ago

    iPhone is the obvious winner so far. I fully agree on that. I hope Google releases soon the google glass smartphone and see some real competition.

  2. GK 13 years ago

    iPhone is the obvious winner so far. I fully agree on that. I hope Google releases soon the google glass smartphone and see some real competition.

  3. Hataf Muhammad 12 years ago

    Samsung products are too good,stylish and long life

  4. Guest 12 years ago

    Apple ftw.

  5. APPLEADDICTION 12 years ago

    Obv iPhone is winning!

  6. Awais Baloch 12 years ago

    iPhone is good…

  7. RenataSbr 12 years ago

    This war will never end 😉

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